Creating a classic authentication based web application to restore 2010 non-claims DB’s into


##Code below creates classic based web app host named site collection


$applicationPool = "HNSCTempU Classic ApplicationPool"

$ServiceAcct = "BEAVERSOIL\svc_spu15svcapps"

$WebAppName = "SharePoint - 10003 - HNSC - Temp Classic"

$webAppURL = ""

$contentDB = "SPUAT_WSS_Content_HNSC_classic"

New-SPWebApplication -Name $WebAppName -Port 10003 -URL $webAppURL -ApplicationPool $applicationPool -ApplicationPoolAccount (Get-SPManagedAccount $ServiceAcct) -DatabaseName $contentDB -SecureSocketsLayer


##Code below creates classic based top site in the classic web app


$primarySiteCollectionOwnerAcct = "BEAVERSOIL\ssimpkins"

$PrimarySCOwnerEmail = ""

$webApp0URL = ""

New-SPSITE -URL $webApp0URL -owneralias $primarySiteCollectionOwnerAcct -owneremail $PrimarySCOwnerEmail -Template STS#1


##At this point you're ready to mount databases or backup restore to it
