Documenting email enabled lists and troubleshooting drop folder

this post is a partial repeat of this post

When you’re getting ready to migrate 2010 content over to 2013 make sure you enumerate as much as possible.  For example, use this script, taken from this technet to enumerate your libraries and lists that are email enabled:


$SPWebApp = Get-SPWebApplication http://URLtoYourWebApplication

#creates a text file named Email-enabled-lists.txt

"E-Mail,List,Site" > "EMail-Enabled.txt" #Write the Headers in to a text file

foreach ($SPsite in $SPwebApp.Sites)  # get the collection of site collections


foreach($SPweb in $SPsite.AllWebs)  # get the collection of sub sites


foreach ($SPList in $SPweb.Lists) # get the lists in each sub site


if ( ($splist.CanReceiveEmail) -and ($SPlist.EmailAlias) )


#Give some feedback to admin

WRITE-HOST "E-Mail -" $SPList.EmailAlias "is configured for the list "$SPlist.Title "in "$SPweb.Url

#Append the data to the txt file

$SPList.EmailAlias + "," + $SPlist.Title +"," + $SPweb.Url >> EMail-Enabled-lists.txt  






Then if your drop folder under inetpub\mailroot\drop is not moving messages and you’ve verified that you have incoming email configured correctly in the farm, you can open each .eml file and see the to: location.  Then you can use the list you generated when enumerating your sites to determine which list the incoming email belongs, by matching up the alias, list name, and site.

Once you match up the list, you may need to go into settings, into email settings for the list, and then remove the alias, apply that change, then put the alias back and apply the alias, err click OK.

If your list is a custom list, you’ll need to get the list ID and append this to _layouts/15/emailsettings.aspx?List=<Insert List ID Here>

make sure you convert your list ID from _layouts/15/EmailSettings.aspx?List={69163F9C-0BA4-4981-A3F3-FF0F48948A69}

to _layouts/15/EmailSettings.aspx?List=%7B69163F9C%2D0BA4%2D4981%2DA3F3%2DFF0F48948A69%7D

where %7B replaces {

%7D replaces }


%2D replaces –