Ben Franklin once said “The tragedy with life is that we get old too soon, and wise too late!” and I really believe that is true.
With that, the people at Another SharePoint are all about sharing knowledge and transferring that knowledge whenever possible.
We also provide web site building services in hopes to make the world wide web a better place and to make lives better!
I’m a SharePoint professional by day, and in my off hours, I like to do all sorts of stuff:
- Watch hockey, and dream about playing it
- Ride Motorcycles
- Build Web sites
- Learn about technology, this is an unquenchable thirst
- Play with my Grand kids and spend time with friends and family, what life is all about
There’s no time like the present, in fact that is the only time we have. If you’re having a bad day in IT, you need to reach out, and we can help you.
Please reach out to me via our contact us page, and if I can help you with SharePoint or with building an E-commerce site, I will.
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