A couple things about distributed cache
Don’t run it on the server that runs search, excel services, or project server. – Per Microsoft run it on…
This site is Just Another SharePoint Blog on troubleshooting SharePoint
Don’t run it on the server that runs search, excel services, or project server. – Per Microsoft run it on…
If you haven’t incorporated Host Named Site Collections into your SharePoint 2010, you should definitely look into that resource saver.…
Once upon a time, I installed, err I should say, I attempted to install User Profile Service and when I went…
These steps create the HNSC and then explain setting anonymous access: #Step 1, create the web application $applicationPool = “HNSC01ApplicationPool”…
The following assumes you have a Host Named Site Collection. Backup: backup-spsite http://oilshop.beaversoil.com -Path e:\MyServerPath\MyFilename.bak -UseSQLSnapShot -force Technet: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff607901(v=office.15).aspx…
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