Check Log analytics with this Kusto query
| where TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
| summarize lastLogin=max(TimeGenerated) by UserName
| where lastLogin < ago(20d)
Search Azure Virtual Desktop
This will allow you to find a host that a user is logged into, if you know the user name
- Sign in to the Azure portal at
- Navigate to the Virtual Desktop workspace that you want to monitor.
- Click on the “Session hosts” tab in the left-hand menu.
- Select the session host machine that you want to monitor.
- Under the “User sessions” tab, you will see a list of all the active user sessions on that machine.
- The “Status” column will show you whether the user is currently active or disconnected.
- The “Session duration” column will show you how long each user has been logged in. 8. The “Logon time” column will show you when each user logged in.