Adapted from material presented at this URL –
Tested and proven
Some things to watch out for, permissions on site collections and sites.
if run into any errors in scripts, or any messages about error, make sure to resolve.
Make sure all sites get upgraded, e.g. dont forget order of root then pwa.
Make sure PWA is not in backwards compatibility mode and if is, remove it, check out the Enterprise Global File, change it and check it in, and open the Enterprise Global file
Check your project server for issues that can cause the upgrade to fail
This is the order below to run the commands, watch the channel9 above, great video!
Content Databases
- Check the SharePoint content Database that contains your Project Site data for errors that can cause upgrade to fail Test-SPContentDatabase
Test-SpContentDatabase -Name <ContentdbName> -WebApplication <URL> -ServerInstance <Alias or ServerName>
- Attach and upgrade the SharePoint content Database Mount-SPContentDatabase
Mount-SPContentDatabase -Name <ContentdbName> -WebApplication <URL> -DatabaseServer <Alias or ServerName> -NoB2BSiteUpgrade
- Take ownership of the site collection you want to upgrade Set-SPSite (make sure the correct accounts have site collection admin)
Set-SPSite -Identity <SiteCollectionName> -OwnerAlias <domain\samaccount> -SecondaryOwnerAlias <domain\samaccount>
- Migrate users from windows classic authtentication to claims-based authentication (optional, in that needs to be done if the 2010 data was not claims)
(Get-SPWebApplication <SPWevAppPipeBind>).MigrateUsers($true)
- Check the SharePoint site collection for issues that can cause upgrade to fail (aka upgrade blocking = true) Test-SPSite
Test-SPSite -Identity <URL>
- Upgrade the SharePoint Site Upgrade-SPSite (upgrade the root “/” and then /pwa)
Upgrade-SPSite -Identity <URL> -VersionUpgrade
Project Server Databases
- Consolidate your Project Server 2010 databases to a Project Project Web App Database Convertto-SPProjectDatabase
- You might have to login with the farm account to get this to run.
ConvertTo-SPProjectDatabase -WebApplication -Dbserver SharePointAlias -ArchiveDbname SPDEV_Project_Server_Archive -DraftDbname SPDEV_Project_Server_Draft -PublishedDbname SPDEV_Project_Server_Published -ReportingDbname SPDEV_Project_Server_Reporting -ProjectServiceDbname SPDEV_Project_WebAppDB
- Attach your Project Web App database to the web application Mount-SPProjectDatabase
Mount-SPProjectDatabase -Name SPDEV_Project_WebAppDB -WebApplication -DatabaseServer SharePointAlias
- Check your project web app database for errors Test-SPProjectDatabase
Test-SPProjectDatabase -Name SPDEV_Project_WebAppDB -DatabaseServer SharePointAlias
- Upgrade your project web app database Upgrade-SPProjectDatabase
Upgrade-SPProjectDatabase -Name SPDEV_Project_WebAppDB -WebApplication -DatabaseServer SharePointAlias
- Mount your Project web app instance Mount-SPProjectWebInstance
Mount-SPProjectWebInstance -DatabaseName SPDEV_Project_WebAppDB -SiteCollection -DatabaseServer SharePointAlias
- Check your Project web app instance for errors Test-SPProjectWebInstance
- You may want to remove the format-table | more portion
Test-SPProjectWebInstance -Identity | format-table -Wrap | More
- Upgrade your Project web app instance Upgrade-SPProjectWebInstance
Upgrade-SPProjectWebInstance -Identity
- Enable PWA features Enable-SPFeature
Enable-SPFeature -Identity pwasite -Url
Plan for the Upgrade to Project Server 2013 –