The following is based on the Exam Ref 70-331: Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 by Troy Lanphier.
Check out Kirk Evan’s blog for more background behind HNSC –
#Build a web application and place an empty site collection in it, a site collection with no site, e.g. pick site later or create with powershell as follows: $applicationPool = "SharePoint - 443" $ServiceAcct = "domain\content" #Account normally used when creating a web app via guie, atin $svcacctmail = "content@domain" $WebApp = "SharePoint HNSC Web Application" $webAppURL = "https://ws2013app/" $contentDB = "WSS_Content_TopSiteEmpty" #If creating for SharePoint 2013, sent the claims authentication provider by calling the new-spauthenticationprovider cmdlet into a variable as: $Provider = New-spauthenticationprovider #Create the example web application, as mentioned above, either with gui, and pick later, or New-SPWebApplication -ApplicationPool $applicationPool -ApplicationPoolAccount $serviceAcct -Name $WebApp -Port 443 -databaseName $contentDB -securesocketslayer #If doing for 2013 New-SPWebApplication -ApplicationPool $applicationPool -ApplicationPoolAccount $serviceAcct -Name $WebApp -Port 443 -AuthenticationProvider (New-SPAuthenticationProvider) -databaseName $contentDB -secureSocketsLayer #If you get a pound sand message on first attempt to load the SP 2013 site, navigate to the settings page under <URL>/_layouts/15/settings.aspx and deactivate MDS #Now that the web app is there, build the empty site collection $primarySiteCollectionOwnerAcct = "domain\someName" $PrimarySCOwnerEmail = "webcontent@domain" New-SPSite -URL $webAppURL -OwnerAlias $primarySiteCollectionOwnerAcct -OwnerEmail $PrimarySCOwnerEmail #Build some content databases new-SPContentDatabase -Name $HNSC1DB -WebApplication $WebApp -WarningSiteCount 0 -MaxSiteCount 1 #Now build some HNSC's $HNSC1Name = "Hockeytown Usa" $HNSC1URL = "" $HNSC1DB = "WSS_Content_HockeyTown" New-SPSite -url $HNSC1URL -HostHeaderWebApplication $webAppURL -Name $HNSC1Name -ownerAlias $PrimarySiteCollectionOwnerAcct -owneremail $PrimarySCOwnerEmail -contentDatabase $HNSC1DB $HNSC2Name = "Baseball city" $HNSC2URL = "" $HNSC2DB = "WSS_Content_HaveYouSeenMyBaseball" New-SPSite -url $HNSC2URL -HostHeaderWebApplication $webAppURL -Name $HNSC2Name -ownerAlias $PrimarySiteCollectionOwnerAcct -owneremail $PrimarySCOwnerEmail -contentDatabase $HNSC2DB
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